What a banger story

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Thanks, Jake! Glad you liked it. What a banger comment

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Music is magical. It turns the tide in movies (or sets the stage), it's used to march to war, it's used in church to inspire and to worship, to console and to reminisce w/friends or remember old times. What a cool opportunity you had with Mikey to uplift him with music. Music moves me all the time, but most recently I was moved by a Christian Music song. Now, I'll preface, that for the most part - I can't stand Christian Worship music (and yes, I'm a Christian!) - I just find it so repetitive and trite. But I heard this song performed live and was really lifted up by it like a Christian song has never moved me (hard for me to explain)....I then went and found an original version (also recorded live) and play it a lot. I laugh out loud b/c I might on a train or plane and I'm sitting there listening to this Christian song.....I'd never have done that in the past.

I've since learned that the guy that wrote it is an incredibly talented artist who writes music, lyrics, books (young adult fiction that my son read years ago), poetry, makes films, etc. He is a Christian artist that I'm so impressed with....and I can't stress it enough that I'm not a fan of most Christian music. "Is He Worthy?" by Andrew Peterson.

This is my favorite version (with the choral backup): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMWrAqMWhWs

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Isaac--thank you so much for that comment. I can definitely relate to your relationship to a lot of Christian music.

I checked out the song link you sent. The song is really moving! I am going to download it to have a version to listen to. I love it. "Do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from shining through." That's such a great line. It calls to mind the U2 lyric "we shout into the darkness, squeeze out sparks of light" from I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight. I often think that finding ways for light to shine through in this crazy world is what it's all about.

I was recently really moved by the song So Will I (100 Billion X). Heard it at church recently, and checked out the Hillsong UNITED recording of it. Really powerful stuff. Give it a listen if you like.

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I’m catching up on your posts. You’ve done a great job with your writing and painting a truly emotional moment.

I can’t think of an unexpected lift with a song at the moment even though I know there have been many. If I recall a specific story I’ll come back to this comment section.

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Thanks for the kind words, Dan. I look forward to a musical “lift” story from you. I had to play a song on my iPhone. But you perform songs in awesome bands. I’m sure you’ve been the lift for others!

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